Friday, August 12, 2011

Hey, hi there.. what's your dosha?

Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that means “the science of life and longevity”. Although Western medicine classifies Ayurveda as ‘alternative/complementary’, the practice started in India over three thousand years ago and one can argue that Western medicine is the one that is ‘alternative’.  According to this science, every person is a creation of cosmic energies and a unique phenomenon, and we all have a constitution, or balance of doshas. The five universal energies are Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. From these energies, three doshas are created; Vata (Space and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water), and Kapha (Water and Earth). It is believed that your dosha is determined at the moment of your conception, made up of the vata-pitta-kapha factors most active in your parents’ bodies at that time.
According to Ayurveda, health is a perfect state of balance among the body’s doshas (three fundamental energies). By balance I do not mean have all three doshas being equal but rather maintaining the proportion of each based on your constitution. To figure out your constitution, here is a good test and there is an even better one in any book by Dr. Vasant Lad, the founder of the Ayurvedic Institute.
I first became interested in Ayurveda about six years ago from my friend Claudia, who is a yoga teacher. When Claudia and I first became friends I had mentioned that I was recently recovering from pneumonia. The next day she brought me a bunch of her Ayurvedic books to borrow plus some essential oils to help with my breathing. I was hooked from there. Ayurveda is so complex that there is way too much information to fully explain in a blog post, or by someone like me who has not fully studied it. I am hoping to explain a bit of the concepts and encourage you to learn more on your own.
My constitution is Vata-Pitta, but the two doshas are so close that on some days I am Pitta-Vata like my husband John. Glancing at me, one would think I was mostly Pitta due to my Mesomorph body-type (Vatas tend to be more Ectomorph and Kaphas more Endomorph). My green eyes and the redness I sometime get around my nose are strong Pitta traits. However, those who know me realize that I am very energetic, bordering on hyper (Vata), needs to be constantly moving (Vata), and my joints crack (Vata), and my skin tends to be dry (again Vata). When asked a question, I tend to answer really quick and sometimes I am not correct (Vata), while John takes his time to think first and says the correct answer (Pitta). I wear Uggs all winter long, not for the fashion, but because I am always cold (Vata), while John wants to put the A/C on in March! (Pitta). Although, when John is under a lot of stress he tends to feel anxious (Vata), while I need to work a bit more on my temper (Pitta).  John also has the Vata dark eyes and hair.
Our daughter is also a Pitta-Vata mix. From her green eyes and light gold hair I definitely see Pitta, and she is already has some lean muscles, so I suspect a Mesomorph body like her parents. I also see a lot of Vata in her since she is definitely a ‘Wind’ child being so energetic and breezy. In all children, Kapha is very prevalent and I see it in her smooth dewy skin and her shiny hair. She is also so warm, loving, kind, and compassionate which are strong Kapha traits. Kaphas naturally have a sweet, loving disposition and tend to be stable, faithful, and religious. Kaphas also tend to be larger, heavier bones and may be prone to weight gain if not careful. But, due to their strong water energy, tend to have beautiful skin and hair.
I hope this created interest in some of you. There are many resources on the internet as well as books. Many ailments, diseases, and emotions are the results of your doshas being unbalanced. Each dosha responds to different diets, exercise, and times of day. As an example, sometimes when I feel like I am losing my temper, I realize that my pitta may be a bit too high and that I need to add some kapha to create patience and compassion. I will look for foods and drinks that are high in kapha but low in pitta. If someone has too much kapha and is holding too much weight, they may want to eat foods that lower kapha and increase vata. If you really stop to think about it, the ‘magic’ of Ayurveda is balancing energies! Pretty simple, right?
Om Shanti (peace and tranquility)
This blog is for informational purposes only.  It’s not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. It is advised see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind.

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