Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back to school time!

Wow, it has been a LONG time since I last posted! I apologize for that. When there is no school, it is difficult to fit in teaching my classes, training clients, learning Les Mills choreography, working on my Yoga teacher hours, and writing!

I am also training for a fitness competition and will compete in April. I just started working with an amazing coach as well, Joe Franco at After just three weeks with him, I have seen nice results already. I will continue to post updates about my progress in the next 7 1/2 months before my show. I look forward to the 'finished product', but I am also enjoying this journey.

Since we are 'Back to School', I would like to talk about healthy lunch/snack choices to pack for the children. To keep it simple, I like to think of my daughters meals and snack as having three components; a protein, a fibrous carb, and a starchy carb. Of course children need healthy fats as well. Most schools do not allow nuts so I prefer to give her nuts and seeds at home. Avocado is also a great fat for children, which I feed her at home as well, but it could easily be added to a sandwich. But for simplicity sake today, we will just pick the three main lunch components.

Here are a few idea. Remember to also keep it fun!

String cheese
Sliced turkey or ham
Cubed Tofu
Grilled Chicken but into pieces
Hummus (also a healthy fat)

2)Fibrous Carbs: (add as many as you would like)
Cucumber slices (goes nice with Hummus)
Baby carrots
Grape tomatoes

3)Starchy Carbs: (this can also be a little 'treat' since they *are* children)
Granola bar
Rice Cakes
Sweet Potato baked and cubed
Cereal in a baggie

These are just a few ideas. I am sure you can get the picture. Make sure to give them a healthy breakfast to start the day right. Dinner can be a more 'traditional' meal. Lunch at school should be easy and fun. And when you think of it as 1-2-3, it becomes even easier for you.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Back to School


  1. You beat me! And I loved this article!! I just did not have the time. Hoping your mini you is having a blast at school.
