Monday, May 16, 2011

No Equipment? No time?

No excuse!

Here is something you can do at home, visiting relatives, at a hotel, anywhere. It combines fat-burning, heart-pumping exercises with strength conditioning and toning exercises. It requires absolutely no equipment and it is quick!
Circuit 1 – Scorching body fat
  1. Jumping Jacks - keep heels on the ground and do not lock your knees.
  2. Mountain Climbers - start in plank and, alternating legs, bring your knee into your chest and back.
  3. Quick Feet - get into a squat stance and quickly run in place staying low.
  4. Burpees – stand, squat down touching the floor, jump your legs out into a plank, jump back in and stand.
  5. High Knees – run in place bringing your knees as high as you can.

Do each of these for a minute (beginners start with 30 seconds) and go from one exercise straight to the next one. Rest for a full minute, repeat the circuit, and rest for a full minute again. That is a total of 12 minutes. Move right to Circuit 2.
Circuit 2 – Lean muscles
  1. Prisoner Squats – squat while holding your hands behind your head like a sit-up. Remember to stand slightly wider than hip distance, keeping feet forward and knees soft. Knees are in line with 2nd toe.
  2. Pushups – you can modify on knees if needed.
  3. Walking lunges – you will need some space for this. Remember to keep your forward-leg toes in front of your knee so that your knee stays over your ankle.
  4. Sit-ups – you can modify with crunches.

Do each of these for a minute (beginners start with 30 seconds) and go from one exercise straight to the next one. Rest for a full minute and repeat the circuit. That is a total of 9 minutes. The entire workout is only 21 minutes! If you have more time, repeat each circuit three times.
But make sure to make the time to go to the gym for a group exercise class, weight-room strength train, take Pilates, do yoga, go running, try cycling, dance at Zumba, or whatever else you enjoy.
Wishing you an active and strong week.
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This blog is for informational purposes only.  It’s not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. It is advised see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind.

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