Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pump It!

I just completed my Body Pump Initial Training last weekend and, (pun intended) I am Pumped!!! And I mean that both mentally and physically. I am so proud to have completed such an intense training, and my muscles are still looking pretty ripped from 3 days of nearly 10-hour workouts!
Body Pump is one of the ten Les Mills International programs. Les Mills International is a New Zealand company that is the world’s largest provider of choreographed exercise-to-music based fitness classes. Body Step is actually their first release, but Body Pump was the first program to be released internationally. Body Pump is a strength class using barbells and plates to build lean muscle. It is designed to improve muscle strength and endurance and burn tons of calories! The class is choreographed to music so the instructor must have the choreography and the timing perfect for each of the 10 tracks. The initial training consists of three 10-hour days in which you receive a grade of pass, pass withheld (meaning you need your Group Fitness Manager to help you where you fell short and then sign off), or a resubmit (meaning you need to take Day 2 over to be re-tested). After you pass the initial training, you have 3 months to learn ALL of the tracks and videotape yourself teaching an entire class. That DVD is sent to an assessment board to approve certification.
Day 1 - Most of the participants in my training were instructors I work with. It wound up being a wonderful bonding experience that brought us all closer. The Les Mills instructor, Kris, was wonderful. He had amazing energy, connection, and teaching skills. We started the first day on Friday at 12 o’clock. The training started with Kris leading us in a Body Pump class, which was a lot of fun. I had to do 10 pushups for being late from a break (I couldn’t get my DVD out of my computer), and I joked that I am ‘small but mighty’ and cranked out the pushups. However, as the day progressed and we did the class again and again, I didn’t feel anywhere near ‘mighty’ and my muscles were screaming. I felt like a pile of jelly! This day was the toughest educationally. We were sent home at 9PM with ‘homework’ to completely learn a track to present the next morning. I had Track 4 (Back). I stayed up until 11PM and then got up at 4:30AM and practiced until time to leave for class.
Day 2 – Saturday at 9AM I couldn’t wait to present my track since I was afraid I would forget it.  I felt so unsure but I surprised myself by nailing it! Actually we ALL nailed it even though we were equally nervous. We were so proud of each other and the cheering for each person was wonderful. Kris recorded us and then went through each of our presentations, first stating what we did nicely, and then providing his constructive criticism. We also presented the same track later that day with a chance to correct the earlier mistakes. Saturday was the most physical of the training. We did the class again and again, plus had a Body Pump Challenge. The challenge consisted of working with a partner to perform supersets at a max weight. For my partner and I, our squat weight was too heavy for us to even help each other get the bar on our shoulders so Kris had to take it on and off for us. We were given a full hour for lunch after, but knowing how physical the rest of the day would be, I just went home and had a protein shake. After presenting our tracks and receiving feedback, we left at 5:15PM to go home and learn a new track. Mine was Track 5 (Triceps). I practiced as soon as I got home and woke up early to practice some more.
Day 3 – Sunday started at 8AM and, like the day before, we went right to our track presentations. Day 3 was a tiny bit less physical than the previous day, and we did a lot of ‘fine tuning’. We did exercises for timing, correct form, coaching, and adding ‘magic’ to our classes. It was still very physical and we were pretty sore. Towards the end of the day we all just wanted to present our final tracks and go home and rest! And that is what we did, and I am happy to say that I passed as well.  I left feeling stronger than ever, in many ways. Although, I was not strong enough to teach Spinning at 5:45AM the next day. I was lucky to find a sub on short notice.
Now is where the next phase begins. I need to learn every track and then practice to perfection before I am recorded. It is nice to have more than 12 hours to do this though. I am listening to all of the music first since that is where the choreography begins. Then every 3 months it starts all over with a new release. So, if you are riding in my car, it is most likely you will be listening to Body Pump music. My daughter is looking forward to learning the tracks with me so that will be fun. I will keep everyone posted as to when I start teaching this class.
Although I am still tired today, I had a wonderful time. I learned so much, deepened friendship with some amazing women, and surprised myself with how strong I am.
Wishing you a strong and ‘pumped up’ week!
This blog is for informational purposes only.  It’s not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem, nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  No action should be taken solely on the contents of this website.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health. It is advised see your physician before changing your diet, starting an exercise program, or taking any supplements of any kind.

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