Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Taking a Social Media Diet

t is so easy to get caught up in the fake world of social media, it can be quite addicting. From FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) to finding positive reinforcement (how many people ‘liked’ my picture) to trying to find inspiration.
But often, too much social media brings us down. We are bombarded with awful news,
politics, hate, envy, and messages telling us that we aren’t good enough. We aren’t fit enough, we aren’t the perfect mom, the perfect wife, the most successful, etc.
Social media is not the real world. It is a make-believe space where people get to put up their best pictures, argue behind the safety of a keyboard, and show their best face. But social media can be wonderful too. It is a great way to connect with groups, actually find inspiration from real people, learn about community events, find new interests, and so much more. The trick is to find a balance.
First of all, I want you to clean up your accounts. You don’t have to ‘un-friend’ your actual friends, but the ‘unfollow’ option can be wonderful. So, the first step is to ask yourself how you feel after reading certain posts. Do you feel as though you aren’t good enough? If the post making you doubt yourself? Are you comparing yourself in a negative way? Is it stirring up bad emotions? OK, if this person is a true friend and is not a hate monger or racist or anything like that simply unfollow. Otherwise just delete that person. Who wants to be friends with someone who’s morals aren’t in line with yours. It is fine to be friends with someone with different interests and tastes, but morals and values are another thing.
So, we cleaned up your feed. The next step it to limit your usage. This includes social media, email and texts too. Here is how to do that:
1) Delete the Facebook App from your phone. This way you are not tempted to mindlessly scroll. This way you will be present to those around you when you are out. Save Facebook for when you are home and alone. It is quite rude to play on Facebook when you are with your friends or at work in meetings anyway. Trust me you aren’t missing much. You can go through all your friends at home later
2) Don’t check your phone first thing in the morning. Do something, anything, first. Sit and have a cup of coffee, meditate, workout, shower, etc. Don’t make it the first priority of your day to get online.
3) Put your phone away during meals. Even if you are dining alone.
4) Turn your phone to airplane mode when you workout.
5) Read real books and magazines rather than using your device.
6) Make real-life plans with the friends you chat with on social media with at least once a week.
And, if none of this works then maybe it is time to take a full social media fast. I did that last year and de-activated my accounts for a few months. It made a big difference to me.
Now go get outside and do something!

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